Frequently asked questions.

What is ADHD coaching and how can it help me?

ADHD coaching provides personalised support and guidance tailored to your specific needs and challenges.

It can help you develop strategies to manage symptoms, improve executive function, and overcome obstacles that may be holding you back in various areas of your life.

Coaching provides support, accountability and motivation to help you stay on track with your goals and commitments.

Working with me, you’ll gain a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and learn practical skills and techniques to navigate daily life more effectively.

My coaching includes practical advice on time management and organization to improve your executive functioning so you can develop skills and strategies to manage your ADHD.

How do I know if ADHD coaching is right for me?

If you have ongoing challenges related to ADHD, such as difficulty with organization, time management, and completing tasks, ADHD coaching might be a beneficial option for you.

In particular, if you feel stuck or overwhelmed, or if you have tried other methods of managing your symptoms without success, coaching may be a helpful next step.

To see if ADHD coaching is right for you, a good start is to schedule an initial consultation with a coach you feel you could relate to. This will give you the opportunity to discuss your specific challenges and goals, as well as to learn more about the coaching process and the potential benefits.

What can I expect from my coaching with you?

We’ll start by clarifying your three biggest challenges or your reasons for wanting coaching and outline what your life would look like if everything was resolved. We’ll then start working on how to make that happen.

In each session I’ll use a range of approaches including curiosity, challenging questions, deep listening, reflection, non-judgemental observations, silence and intuition to help you develop new more effective ways of thinking.

I believe strongly that you already have all the resources you need within you and that my role as coach is to create a safe non-judgemental space where you can get out of your own way and see these for yourself.

I use various approaches and techniques, drawing from Laser Focused Coaching, Positive Psychology, Solutions Focused Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Emotional Freedom Technique to help you increase your self-awareness and manage challenging situations.

How do I know if you’re the right coach for me?

Finding a coach that you is a good fit for your needs and personality is key to an effective coaching relationship. A good match in these areas is crucial for building a trusting and effective coaching relationship.

Look for a coach who has lived experience of ADHD and has experience of working with clients facing challenges similar to yours.

To help us see if we’d work well together, I offer a free 45 minute session to give you an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about how I coach.