Overcoming Procrastination: How to Focus and Achieve Your Goals

Procrastination can be a major challenge for anyone, but for women with ADHD, it can be even more difficult to overcome. It’s roots can be complex and often lie in fears of not being good enough, perfectionism or that we simply can’t see the point of the task we’re supposed to be doing. One of the main reasons I procrastinate is that I can’t decide what to do and I get overwhelmed thinking about everything I should be doing and can’t focus or choose one thing to actually do.

Whilst clearing the blocks that are at the root of procrastination is an excellent way of overcoming it there are also a number of strategies and tips that can help you stay on track with your goals.

  1. Grab a pencil and plain piece of paper

    Dumping all the stuff in my head onto paper often helps me see things differently and clarify what is a priority. If I don’t do that everything seems as important as the next thing and I have no idea where to start. Mind mapping works really well for me. If you haven’t tried it give it a go and see if it helps.

  2. Find the meaning in the task

    What benefits does it bring you, why is it worth doing? What happens if you don’t do it?

  3. Break tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces

    When you're faced with a large task, it can be overwhelming and easy to put off. Instead, break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces that are easier to tackle one at a time.

  4. Use a planner or to-do list

    Write down your tasks and schedule them out using a planner or to-do list. This will help you stay on track and prioritize your tasks so you can focus on what's most important.

  5. Create a routine

    Establish a routine that works for you and stick to it. This can help you stay organized and on track with your tasks. It works well for me because I’ve decided in advance what I’m going to do so I spend my time focused on the task knowing that I’ve time to do the other things.

  6. Use a timer

    Set a timer for a specific amount of time to work on a task, then take a break when the timer goes off. This can help you stay focused and avoid burnout. I use a visual countdown timer that shows me how much time I’ve got left.

  7. Body doubling

    A brilliant way of getting things done especially if you’re working remotely. Arrange a time in advance with someone to work on a specific task then meet in person or virtually and work alongside them to keep focused and stay on task. The keys to making this work are to decide in advance exactly what you’re going to work on before the session and tell the person briefly at the start of the session and set a specific time and keep going.

  8. Minimize distractions

    Identify and minimize distractions that can derail your focus, such as social media or TV. Consider using apps or tools that can help you block out distractions while you work.

  9. Have a draft mindset

    Forget perfection, it doesn’t exist. Take action for 20 minutes and then stop and come back to it after a break. You’ll see thigns differently and have something to work with.

  10. Reward yourself

    Give yourself a reward after you complete a task, such as a break or a small treat. This can help motivate you and make the task feel more manageable.

Procrastination can be a difficult habit to break but with these strategies and tips, you can start to overcome it and stay on track with your goals. Remember to be kind to yourself and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may be.


From Chaos to Control: The Power of Creating a Routine